Chancel Choir

Comprised of approximately 50 voices, the distinguished Chancel Choir sings for the 9 and 11:15 am Sanctuary worship services. We present major choral works and other special worship services with orchestra several times throughout the year. The Chancel Choir is comprised of volunteers who give freely of their time to love and serve the Lord and their church through the gift of music. Our choir is open to all adults with a desire to raise their voices in praise to Almighty God.  

Contact: Dr. Nicole Marane        

770-429-0080 Ext. 815


Day: Wednesdays 

Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Location: Room 263                      

Practice Resources

All scores and recordings can be found on the google drive.  It is included in weekly emails. 

Please contact Dr. Nicole Marane for the link.